Dental Cleaning in Livermore

Dental Cleaning in Livermore

We eat without caring about how it affects our teeth. Be it sodas, candies, snacks, desserts, or whatnot; overindulgence is equally common in our favorite food. It is quite hard for young kids and teens to resist eating or drinking sodas, junk food, candies, desserts, etc. Even adults can find themselves overindulging in their favorite foods without realizing the harmful effects on their teeth. We take our dental and oral health casually without realizing how important it is for our overall well-being. Like a complete physical examination, we require dental check-ups to monitor our dental and oral health.

What is Dental Cleaning?

Dental cleaning is good for maintaining oral hygiene and making your smile beautiful. You are mistaken if you thought that brushing and flossing were enough to keep your teeth clean and that you would never need dental cleaning. Before dental cleaning, we thoroughly examine the patient’s mouth and facial and neck area. Dental history, medical history, or any other reports are assessed. Then, X-rays are taken to check if abnormal or unusual signs are visible. Based on the reports, cleaning is performed and, if required, further referred to a specialist if anything comes up. After assessment and recommendations are complete, cleaning can start. Then, our care team removes soft and hard deposits from the surfaces of teeth. The remaining plaque or stains are removed by polishing, followed by flossing. If needed, a fluoride treatment is done at the end of the appointment to help keep your teeth strong and prevent cavities.

Dental Cleaning at Home vs Professional Cleaning

We know that several over-the-counter tools can help you do the dental cleaning at home; however, they may sometimes work. While doing it yourself, it can be quite a challenge, or even may not achieve the results that you wished. It may help maintain some hygiene but is less effective than professional dental cleaning. We understand sometimes quick fixes may require doing things on your own; however, professional dental cleaning stands out when it comes to dental cleaning. The dental cleaning must be done once every six months at the office.

Benefits of Dental Cleaning

  • Removes tartar
  • Prevents bad breath
  • Prevents tooth decay
  • Prevents illnesses
  • Improves dental health
  • Promotes healthier gums
  • Provides a better smile

Ignoring dental or oral health is not a good idea as it supports our overall well-being. Being mindful of what you eat, as well as toothbrushing and flossing regularly to remove all food tidbits from your teeth, is essential. Maintaining oral and dental hygiene clearly helps a lot when you go for dental cleaning, too. Remember, it is all about hygiene and maintaining healthier teeth. If you would like to schedule a dental cleaning appointment, reach out to Foothill Dental Care at (925) 961-5484.

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