Once in a while, it is understandable to suffer from the occasional bad breath due to a super onion-y or garlic filled meal. However, when one or two instances turns into a daily thing, you may be suffering from halitosis- a chronic bad breath problem. Do you notice people turning away from you when you are talking to them? Do you frequently smell an odor and you can’t figure out where it’s coming from? Do you almost always have a bad taste in your mouth? If so, you may have halitosis- and we’re here to help you find out for sure. Here are some ways to find out if your breath is abnormally stinky:
Ask someone
It may seem like the most obvious idea, but it can be embarrassing for some people. If you notice people tend to move away from you when you speak, there’s your opportunity to ask them. They may have noticed it but were trying to avoid telling you because they didn’t want to embarrass you. If you ask, you’re laying it out on the table for an open conversation about it.
Use a kit
If you can’t work up the courage to ask someone, you can use an at home testing kit that can determine the severity of your breath. These kits are available almost anywhere online and in drug stores. They even come pocket sized. With this kit, you put some saliva on it and if it turns clear, you’re good to go. However, if it turns blue, your breath is less than ideal. These kits are helpful when preparing for an interview or even a first date, and you can always buy some mints, gum, or spray to freshen your breath.
Do you have a constantly bad taste in your mouth?
This can be a sign that your breath is stinky. Although you may not be able to smell it by cupping your hand to your nose and smelling it, you may be able to taste it. Incidental causes of halitosis can be taken care of by a simple brush, floss and swirl of mouthwash.
On a more serious note, bad breath can be an underlying sign of more serious dental conditions. If you suspect you may be suffering from bad breath, it’s important to make an appointment to visit Dr. Buchanan and Associates and their team to find out what’s really going on and find out how we can fix it. Call (925) 961-5484 today for an appointment.
To maintain your teeth healthy visit your trusted Livermore Hills Dentist at least twice a year to get an exam and checkup. Prevent your teeth from being ruined by maintaining your dental hygiene and eating adequate foods to support your dental health.