It was National Dentist’s Day on March 6, and here’s something you can do! Do you have an upcoming appointment with the dentist.
Foods That Are Healthy for Your Teeth
Taking care of your teeth is not very much work if you follow a regular dental routine. Remember, it can smoothly fit into your daily routine if you are dedicated.
Your Child Must Stay Away from These Foods
Most children enjoy eating candy as it tastes good to them. It can be challenging to keep children away from candies. Parents often find themselves in tough spots when limiting the number of sweets for their children.
Toothbrushing Can Be Fun This National Children’s Dental Health Month
A cavity is a hole in a tooth that develops from tooth decay. Cavities are formed when acids in the mouth wear away the enamel that protects your teeth.
You Should Look Out for These Signs of Cavity
A cavity is a hole in a tooth that develops from tooth decay. Cavities are formed when acids in the mouth wear away the enamel that protects your teeth.
Things to Keep in Mind Before a Dentist Appointment
A great smile goes a long way; however, if you have cavities, tooth decay, or other problems, it can surely ruin it for you! Our teeth need to be taken care of just like any other part of our body.
How To Take Care of Your Teeth?
Do you know the average time a person spends brushing teeth is 45 seconds in the United States?
Diabetes Can Affect Your Teeth and Gums
Almost 26 million Americans live with the effects of diabetes – nearly ten percent of the U.S. population. Diabetes is a condition that requires those afflicted with the disease to make lifestyle changes.
Should You Use Charcoal Toothpaste?
There are all sorts of products on the market today that claim to make your teeth whiter. Some of them work, but they do not compare to the results produced with professional teeth whitening. One popular product is charcoal toothpaste.
Dental Fillings Need Replacement
You may be shocked to learn that while dental fillings are durable and can last for years, they do not last forever and need to be replaced. So, how long do they last? Several factors can determine this.