Proper Flossing is Important | Livermore Dentists

Let’s Talk About Flossing

Recently, several news reports have attempted to discredit the effectiveness of flossing by claiming that there is no evidence of its effectiveness, the evidence is unreliable, and that it may, in fact, be dangerous. Everybody seems to be weighing-in on the notion of not flossing. I don’t know about you, but, after I floss, my...
The Toothpaste Dilemma | Livermore Dentists

The Toothpaste Dilemma

We all pay homage to the daily ritual of oral hygiene on a regular basis with brushing, flossing, and gargling the oral bacteria away, and we all understand the importance of regular orthodontic check-ups. Without these basic steps, our teeth—and our smile—will certainly pay the price. However, in today’s day and age of modern technology...
Find Out if you Have Bad Breath | Livermore Dentists

Find Out if you Have Bad Breath

Once in a while, it is understandable to suffer from the occasional bad breath due to a super onion-y or garlic filled meal. However, when one or two instances turns into a daily thing, you may be suffering from halitosis- a chronic bad breath problem. Do you notice people turning away from you when you...
Pros and Cons of Pacifiers | Livermore Dentists

The Pros and Cons of Pacifiers

Many parents have heard all opinions about putting baby to bed with a pacifier. Some believe that putting their baby to bed with a pacifier is the best and most efficient way to get their child to sleep. However, other people believe that providing their little one with a pacifier can be the start of...
Tobacco: Dangerous for your Oral Health | Livermore Dentists

Tobacco: Dangerous for your Oral Health

Although it’s old news that any use of tobacco products can create serious health risks for you and those around you. Even more, it directly relates to many oral health issues people across the nation are facing. Tobacco, whether you are chewing it or smoking it, causes a significant number of health problems including oral...
Teeth Staining Foods and Drinks | Livermore Dentists

Teeth Staining Foods and Drinks

At Foothill Dental Care, Dr. Buchanan is asked one very common question: “How can I whiten my teeth?” Many patients find that even though they follow the suggested oral hygiene routines (brushing and flossing twice a day) it isn’t enough to keep your pearly whites, well… white. The truth is that there are a number...
Caring For Your Toothbrush | Livermore Dentists

Caring For Your Toothbrush

Toothbrushes are not the newest thing on the block! In fact, toothbrushes have been around for thousands of years. Maybe “toothbrush” isn’t the correct word but over the decades, civilizations used different types of tools for means of keeping their teeth clean. Anything from hones, hog hair, horse hair, ivory and wood have been used...
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