November is National Diabetes Month | Livermore Dentists

November is National Diabetes Month

November is National Diabetes Month and it’s a time when we bring attention to diabetes and how it has impacted millions of Americans. Did you know roughly 29.1 million people living in the United States are afflicted with diabetes? That’s almost 10% of the population. According to, approximately 1.7 million new cases of diabetes...
Protect Your Teeth From The Holidays | Livermore Dentists

Protect Your Teeth From The Holidays

The holidays are a loving and family-orientated time of the year. It is usually filled with tasty foods and delicious sweets. Cookies, pie, chocolates, and holiday pastries will likely be present in most houses, so it might be easy to allow your sweet tooth to take control and help you indulge in more sugary foods....
Bad Breath is Stinky | Livermore Dentists

Bad Breath is Stinky

Bad breath can happen for several reasons and any of those reasons can lead to being ostracized from social circles. Why? Because nobody likes talking with people who have bad breath. If you’ve ever had a conversation with a person who has horrible smelling breath, then you know how difficult it is to continue the...
Foods That Help Your Teeth | Livermore Dentists

Foods that Help Your Teeth

A smile is the first feature that people notice when they are introduced to you. Beautiful smiles all have one common factor, which is bright and healthy teeth. But how do they get that way? Teeth can stay healthy from what we consume daily. In fact, the food we eat is the most common reason...
Good Oral Health for Children | Livermore Dentists

Good Oral Health for Children

Oral care for infants and young children crucially depends on having the right information and practicing safe oral hygiene. According the American Dental Association, children’s teeth, although temporary, are just as susceptible to infection and decay as adult teeth (, 2015). Although baby teeth are a temporary set, they can still collect damaging bacteria that...
Oral Hygiene and Good Health | Livermore Dentists

Oral Hygiene and Good Health

Having good oral hygiene is the foundation to a healthy mouth and a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, practicing good oral hygiene habits can be difficult to manage without the proper guidance, which is why children are at risk for dental problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Children aged 5 to 19...
Quit Smoking to Improve Oral Health | Livermore Dentists

Quit Smoking and Improve Oral Health

Using tobacco products can cause several medical conditions in the mouth. As the most common used forms of tobacco products, cigarettes can do more than give a person bad breath. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, “cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year, with more than 41,000 of these deaths...
Tooth Enamel Erosion | Livermore Dentists

Tooth Enamel Erosion

What is tooth enamel? Tooth enamel is the thin layer that rests on the outside of each tooth. This part of a person’s teeth is the protective tissue that covers the crown of each tooth. It’s invisible so a person can see the tooth color through it unless it’s stained. Products like coffee, tea, soda,...
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