Having a healthy smile can take a lot of work! On top of the daily brushing and flossing, it is also extremely important to visit your local dentist regularly to make sure your teeth are in good standing. Your dentist can give you a full oral health evaluation, including checking for gingivitis or gum disease, tooth decay, and any other issues that you might not be aware of. If you have been noticing any pain, irritation, sensitivity or other unusual feelings, be sure to discuss this with your dentist. Some of these problems could indicate the possibility of a root canal.
So, what are some of the telltale signs of a root canal?
Although having a toothache is one of the most common dental issues, and there are many reasons you may have one, it is one of the leading signs you may need a root canal. This is because whenever the pulp located inside the tooth becomes infected, it directly affects the nerve of the tooth. This means that any pressure you put on the tooth (by chewing, biting down, or even speaking) can create both sharp and dull pains on and around the infected tooth. Even without direct contact, you may still feel the pain around the area infected.
This same pulp situated inside the tooth has the potential to die once it is infected. When that happens, a bacteria filled pocket can form around the tooth. This can cause an uncomfortable bump on your gums, similar to how a painful pimple can form on your skin. This is called an abscess. Even if the pressure from this bump is relieved, this abscess may never truly go away because the bacteria will always gather in the area and cause the abscess to reform. There are temporary fixes to an abscess, such as antibiotics. However, the only way to permanently fix the problem is through a root canal surgery. Root canals are best suggested in these cases because an infection of this sort is likely to spread to other areas of the bone and cause many other health issues along the way.
When the pulp of the tooth begins to decay after dying, you may notice it causes the tooth to change a different color from the rest of the teeth. If you notice that one single tooth is significantly darker than the rest, is incredibly sensitive, or contains an abscess near the gum surrounding it, you should make an appointment with your Dentist to discuss your options.
To maintain your teeth healthy visit your trusted Livermore Hills Dentist at least twice a year to get an exam and checkup. Prevent your teeth from being ruined by maintaining your dental hygiene and eating adequate foods to support your dental health.