We all pay homage to the daily ritual of oral hygiene on a regular basis with brushing, flossing, and gargling the oral bacteria away, and we all understand the importance of regular orthodontic check-ups. Without these basic steps, our teeth—and our smile—will certainly pay the price. However, in today’s day and age of modern technology and with the invention of the smart phone, which gives us endless information at our fingertips, how often do you closely inspect your toothpaste? If you’re like most people, then you probably don’t inspect it at all. How do you know if that brand of toothpaste is actually cleaning your teeth or if it’s just foaming in your mouth to give the impression of cleaning? More importantly, how do we know if they are safe?
Most people do not realize that despite our best efforts to protect our mouth from bad breath and our teeth from decay, we may, however, be putting ourselves in danger, as some of these oral products may pose health hazards. When it comes to toothpaste, the most important factor to know is that it is classified as a cosmetic. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration stated on their website that “some of the products commonly referred to as ‘personal care products’ are cosmetics […] for example, skin moisturizers, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail polishes, eye and facial makeup preparations, shampoos, permanent waves, hair colors, some toothpastes, and deodorants” (fda.gov, 2016). Notice that it says “some toothpastes” and not all toothpastes. This brings the question: How do you know what to look for when shopping for toothpaste. Fortunately, the orthodontists at Foothill Dental Care understand how to take care of the mouth. (It’s kind of our thing.) To help, we have developed a short list of guidelines to look for that will hopefully lead you in the right direction when choosing a toothpaste.
Look for the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Approval
Always buy toothpaste that is approved by the ADA.
Look at the ingredients
Do not buy a toothpaste with “diethylene glycol (DEG).” This has been known to cause “nausea, abdominal pain, urinary problems, kidney failure, breathing problems, lethargy, convulsions, coma and sometimes death in susceptible individuals” (wakeup-world.com, 2015)
Does the toothpaste have Fluoride?
Actually, Fluoride is an important ingredient to look for. It helps strengthen the tooth enamel and makes your teeth less likely to suffer damage from the acids, sugars, and starches left behind after eating.
Buy toothpaste that is specific to the person using it
For example, buy children’s toothpaste for the kiddos and regular toothpaste for adults.
Be careful when buying specialty toothpaste
Those for whitening, sensitivity, and tarter control, and others may not be ADA approved or may contain alternative chemicals.
Try to buy natural toothpaste
If possible. Also, and make sure that it is approved by the ADA.
When was the last time you when to the dentist? If it has been over a year, then you are overdue for an oral checkup. Call our Livermore office at (925) 961-5484 to schedule your appointment. At Foothill Dental Care, our top priority is your comfort, next, we focus on keeping your oral hygiene up to par.